
First Conjugation

cōnor (1) - to try, attempt

damnō (1) - to condemn

dēsīderō (1) - to long for, desire greatly

dōnō (1)- to present with a gift (+ acc. of person and abl. of thing)

exspectō (1) - to watch, wait, expect (ex • specto (1))

moror (1) - to delay

pūgnō (1) - to fight

rogo (1)  - to ask

interrogo (1) - to put a question to, ask (+ acc.)

temptō (1) - to try, test

turbō (1) - to disturb, confuse

Second Conjugation

appāreō -pārēre -pāruī, -pāritum - to appear, become visible

cōnfiteor, -fitērī, -fessum - to admit (a fact), confess (a crime); to disclose (con • fateor, fateri, fassum)

prohibeō, -hibēre, -hibuī, -hibitum - to prohibit, prevent (pro • habeo, habere, habui, habitum)

respondeō, -spondēre, -spondī, -spōnsum - to answer

Third Conjugation -ō

āmittō, -mittere, -mīsī, -missum - to let go, send away; to lose (ab • mitto, mittere, misi, missum)

cōnsulō, -sulere, -suluī, -sultum - to consult, plan (+ acc.); to consider the interests of (+dat)

crēdō, -ere, -didī, -ditum - to believe (+ dat.)

dēfendō, -fendere, -fendī, -fēnsum - to defend, ward off

impōnō, -pōnere, -posuī, -positum - to put in, put on, impose (in •  pōnō, -ere, posuī, positum)

parcō, -ere, pepercī, parsum - to spare, be sparing of (+ dat.)

queror, -ī, questum - to complain of, lament

sinō, -ere, sīvī, situm - to allow, let go

vertō, -ere, vertī, versum - to turn

convertō, -vertere, -vertī, -versum - to turn about, turn, change

Third Conjugation -iō

rapiō, -ere, rapuī, raptum - to seize, tear away


auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātum - to take away (ab • fero, ferre, tuli, latum)


First Declension

anima, -ae f. - breath, spirit

aura, -ae f. - breeze

bestia, -ae f. - beast

mamma, -ae f. - breast

prōvincia, -ae f. - province; official duty

umbra, -ae f. - shade, shadow

unda, -ae f. - wave, flowing water, water

Second Declension

factum, -ī n. - deed, accomplishment

fātum, -ī n. - fate; death

odium, -ī n. - hatred

praeceptum, -ī n. - rule, precept; command

rēgnum, -ī n. - kingship, kingdom

saxum, -ī n. - rock, cliff, crag

vitium, -ī n. - flaw, fault, crime

Third Declension

avis, -is f. - bird

color, -ōris m. - color

dux, ducis m./f. - leader, general

iūs, iūris n. - right, justice, law

laus, laudis f. - praise, glory

margo, marginis m./f. - border, edge

mōs, mōris m. - custom, habit; (pl.) character

multitūdō, -tūdinis f. - multitude, number

orbis, -is m. - circle; orbis terrārum: world

plēbs, plēbis f. - the common people

sacerdōs, sacerdōtis m./f. - priest, priestess

testis, -is m. - witness

timor, -ōris m. - fear

vātēs, -is m./f. - poet, bard

Fourth Declension

exercitus, -ūs m. - army


quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque - who-, whatever

uterque, utraque, utrumque - each of two


First and Second Declension

albus, -a, -um - white

altus, -a, -um - high, lofty; deep

amplus, -a, -um - large, spacious

aureus, -a, -um - golden; splendid

cēterus, -a, -um - the other, the rest; ceterum (adv.) - for the rest, in addition

cūnctus, -a, -um - entire all together

dubius, -a, -um - doubtful; (as subst.) a doubt; sine dubiō, without a doubt, certainly

falsus, -a, -um - deceptive, false

iūstus, -a, -um - right, just, fair

maestus, -a, -um - sad, sorrowful; depressing

mundus, -a, -um - clean, neat, elegant

vīcīnus, -a, -um - neighboring, near

Third Declension

hilaris, -e - cheerful, merry, joyous


necesse - necessary


antequam - before

cum - when, since, although (conjunction + subj.)

nisi, nī - if not, unless

quōmodo - in what way, how?


fortē - by chance

hūc - to this place

invicem - in turn, one after another, one another

parum - too little

quā - where, how

quamvīs - however you like; although

satis, sat - enough, sufficient, sufficiently (also used as an adjective)

tot - so many

Verba Nova Omnia